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Berthelot Consulting BERTHELOT CONSULTING, Upcoming Public Events

Upcoming Events

To schedule an event, please contact us at (850) 375-4287 or via email at

Sample Past Events:

"CommUNITYtm Dialogue--
Communicating to Create Unity In Diversity"
Nov. 7, l996, 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
Gulf Power Auditorium, Bayfront Parkway
Pensacola, Florida. Lunch and refreshments included.
Admission FREE, immediate registration required.

Developed and led by Berthelot Consulting
collaborating with project sponsor Escambia-Pensacola Human Relations Commission.

HRC and Berthelot Consulting seek a mix of 100 good people who can answer "Yes" to some of the CommUNITYtm page questions and commit to a lively one-day workshop plus short monthly sessions of small groups meeting around the community. Building on the workshop experience, these ongoing diversity-unity clusters will continue deepening relations and will creatively address common concerns. Life story sharing processes will help people build communication bridges across their differences, a foundation for future creative problem solving.

Organizations and businesses have a unique opportunity to develop diversity savvy, boost participant awareness, and acquire strategies and skills, all at no charge to them. Participants will have the gratification of contributing to a milestone event; the satisfaction of helping to replace cultural segregation, negative conflict, and potential violence; and the benefit of learning valuable skills and insights to see in their personal and professional lives.

Escambia-Pensacola HRC was formed in l974 by the Pensacola City Council and Escambia County Commissioners to promote unity, fair treatment and equal opportunity for all residents by educating the public and investigating and intervening on behalf of all who believe they have been unfairly disadvantaged in housing, employment, and education. Eugene Brown is Director.Williemae Stanberry is current Board Chair.

Should you have facilitation skills yourself, and be willing to use your expertise as a community service in this endeavor, please also indicate that for consideration, and capsule your background.

Your eagerness to learn and and to contribute to our common good is much appreciated.

Berthelot Consulting Inc and Escambia-Pensacola Human Relations

Women's Weekend Workshops In Gulf-front Paradise
Grow Personally & Professionally, Build Relationships


Fun process offers fresh perspectives on people, spurs creative thinking, develops relationships. Designed and led by communication consultant Dr. Dolly Berthelot,author of PERFECTLY SQUARE, A Fantasy Fable.

Oct. 25-26, Pensacola, Florida, Perdido Key beachfront
Friday 7 p.m.: Seafood dinner and introductory program
Sat. 9-4: SELFSHAPEStm/RELATIONSHAPEStm workshop, lunch
Sat. 7 p.m. Cajun supper party
Sunday: Informal breakfast, free beach and pool time

Price includes events, meals, refreshments, two nights lodging in luxurious Eden Condominium.

Only $495 each, limited to first 20 registrants!

Discounts for persons registering together and sharing a condominium unit. Registration deadline October 1--or when filled.
Checks to:
Berthelot Consulting
600 Bayou Blvd.
Pensacola FL 32503

Optional custom antiquing, arts, or boating tours Sunday afternoon.
Optional additional stay days (before or after) may be arranged.

Come comfortable, casual, (probably) summer garb with light wrap.
Bring swimsuit, sunblock, sandals, camera, open mind and heart.
Lovely Gulf-front rooms, sea gulls, herons, natural beauty, creativity, and human warmth are waiting.

For more information or immediate reservation: call (850) 375-4287 or e-mail

World Future Society General Assembly
July 14-18, Washington D.C. Hilton Hotel.
FutureVision: Ideas, Insights, and Strategies
July 16, 10:30 a.m. Dr. Dolly Berthelot: "Creating Unity Within Diversity--Moving From Me to We,"
PERFECTLY SQUARE booksigning 3p.m.
Dr. Dolly, Communication Specialist |
Workshops, Personal & Professional Growth |
Firm Background, Clients, Leaders | Guest Book | E-mail | Next

600 Bayou Blvd., Pensacola, Florida 32503 | (850) 375-4287 (10-6 CST) | E-mail
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