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Berthelot Consulting BERTHELOT CONSULTING, Dr. Dolly

Dr. Dolly,
Human Communication Specialist

Communication counts--
in your life, your work, your organizations...

Hello, welcome to my communication web site. It will always be in progress, just like life, continuously improving as I learn and grow--and interact with you.Dolly

Think of Dr. Dolly as akin to Dr. Ruth. Like that famous dynamo, I am also a middle-aged woman, also cheerfully chubby with a sense of humor, also a doctoral level expert helping develop and improve people, performance, organizations, and relationships. But I'll leave sex issues to Dr. Ruth, thank you. And mental pathologies to others more qualified for that. I am a communication specialist, a communication consultant, with human emphasis.

Communication can benefit or impair everything you do. Take a wellness approach, a TQM approach. Prevent problems. Learn to creatively solve problems, using powerful communication tools and strategies. Be proactive with this vital, complex dimension of your professional and personal life.

I help people with all kinds of human communication: interpersonal, group, writing, speaking, nonverbal communication--all sorts of interaction for various personal and professional purposes. My work is as diverse as our clients' needs (and my own inspiration) and draws from a rich multi-disciplinary perspective.

Communications with an "s" signals a techie orientation; without an "s" emphasizes process. No  sI am not a computer expert, though I find the Internet a magical tool for learning and communicating--and, in collaboration with cyber-gurus Henry Neufeld and Destin Berthelot, do select web site writing, web site design, and web site editing. I am also not a certified psychologist or psychiatrist, but communication (as I have studied and practiced it) encompasses and applies many pertinent behavioral sciences and expressive arts.

My U. Tennessee graduate study combined communication (writing, journalism, interpersonal communication, human relations, social and humanistic psychology, group dynamics) with curriculum and instruction (adult learning, creative program or instructional design). Experience has included daily newspapers, magazines, books, teaching 7-12 through university levels (Loyola U.), research, business/organizational training and development, creative workshop design, seminar leader, group facilitator, conflict management, diversity training, teambuilding, and more, all potentially useful to you. (Our long list of satisfied customers and repeat business indicates we do something right.)

By nature I am a learner, a synthesizer, an innovator, and a helper, bringing to every task a persistent inquisitiveness, creativity, deep interest in and love of people, all kinds of people. For Myers-Briggs aficionados, I am an ENTP, sometimes an FP. In terms of a very different people analysis tool, Berthelot Consulting's more right brain SELFSHAPES™, I am a versatile, innovative triangle with softer oval and circle tendencies, and inter-connecting polygon qualities. The SELFSHAPES™ page introduces this self-help strategy and related SELFSHAPES™/RELATIONSHAPES™ workshops. Applications to churches include the presentation Your Church Is Not Perfectly Square. See also our other creative workshops for organizational development, professional development, personal growth, self help, or leisure learning.

Current passions: "Creating unity within diversity--fostering a ME to WE perspective (for all our sakes)"; "Story sharing" (in person and in writing, including articles, biographies, autobiographies, memoirs)--a powerful learning, growing, and relating tool; and "Friendly Persuasion--Communicate to Influence Deep, Positive Change." My pace-setter SELFSHAPES, a whole brainheart human
types system, and its companion RELATIONSHAPES, use geometric shapes for fresh angles on people. A related book, PERFECTLY SQUARE, A Fantasy Fable for All Ages, amuses, inspires, and motivates change, diversity, creativity, and teamwork.

Because life stories are so powerful for so many personal and professioanl purposes, and because I so enjoy helping others extract, articulate, use, and preserve their precious life and work experiences, I have developed Mine Your Memories, a new division of Berthelot Consulting with that focus. offers new options for expert consulting, guidance, MYM workshops, group facilitation, and professional interviewing, writing, and editing services geared to helping you use, learn from, and pass on personal, family, business, and organziational stories, from workplace anecdotes, to humanized geneaology, to memoirs. Mine Your Memories reflects my persistent commitment to Unity in Diversity, my intrigue with various culltures and individuals, and my growing fascination with my own Lebanese-American ancestry and heritage (see Roots of Understanding, Mid-East).

Let's use the Internet's power for communication. I invite your recollections, insights, and personal anecdotes, which may ultimately appear on-line, in future publications, or in Your Life Story (or Your Business or Organization Story), a unique legacy.

I welcome a dialogue about how this communication consultant, workshop leader, and professional writer/editor can help you. You may call (850) 375-4287 or e-mail for more information about professional communication guidance, training, or creative services. Let's talk!

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600 Bayou Blvd., Pensacola, Florida 32503; (850) 375-4287 (10-6 CST); E-mail
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