BERTHELOT CONSULTING, Needs Analysis/Consultation |
Consulting believes each client deserves to have his or her real
needs met. But meeting needs is the result, not the first step. Examining needs
is crucial. The right outside expert can help you examine and articulate your
specific needs, rather than merely throwing canned programs or other
one-size-fits-all solutions at them (like some thoughtless random pill popping).
As with any transformance to ongoing health, attempts to improve individual
performance, relationships, and organizations benefit from careful examination
by appropriate, objective experts. For best results, diagnosis should always
precede prescription.
Accurate diagnosis may require any of the following, executed by you or members of your organization, by an external consultant, or (ideally) by both, collaboratively:
Needs are often complex, hidden, distorted (inadvertently and purposely), and inter-related. They are rarely obvious, and often camouflaged. Assumptions, jumps-to-conclusions, and vested interests can be costly, even dangerous. Using the right outside expert can be a very worthwhile investment. Berthelot Consulting provides expert guidance and assistance with or execution of all the above, collaborating with you as necessary toward meaningful diagnosis. Our reports offer clear written recommendations for progress toward meeting your needs. If you like, we will also teach your people how to do better needs assessments themselves, instead of grabbing the equivalent of organizational aspirins as quick fixes. At no charge, we'll do very basic, preliminary needs analysis in brief e-mail or telephone dialogue, and recommend next steps. When you and we are satisfied that your needs are clear and you are ready to work toward solutions, we'll address solutions in the context of your specific needs, and customize offerings accordingly. If one of our existing programs, strategies, or tools will serve your needs, we'll cooperate in providing that in the best possible way. Where appropriate, we'll bring in one of our excellent associates, or simply recommend other experts. To determine if Berthelot offers the best expert to examine and address your needs, we encourage you to read our web site thoroughly, then e-mail or call (850) 375-4287. We'll be glad to hear from you. TQM Overview | Some Quality/Training Favorites | Dr. Dolly, Communication Specialist | Workshops, Personal & Professional Growth | Innovative Products | Firm Background, Clients, Leaders | Guestbook | E-mail | Next |
600 Bayou Blvd. Pensacola, Florida 32503 | (850) 375-4287 (10-6
CST) | E-mail
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