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Berthelot Consulting BERTHELOT CONSULTING, Innovative Learning Products

Innovative Learning Products--
Books, Dialogues Processes, Training Guides, Self-Help Tools

By Dr. Dolly Haik-Adams Berthelot, Communication Consultant

Our original learning products are priced for single individual self-use and review purposes. They may be used in groups only by special arrangement with our firm. Though designed for adults, our approaches are endlessly adaptable for many ages and purposes. Prices below include U.S. postage. Beyond the U.S., please add 20% to cover shipping. Florida residents please add required 7.5% sales tax.

To order, click on the appropriate boxes and follow instructions below the list.


PERFECTLY SQUARE, A Fantasy Fable For All Ages. Geometric characters inspire us to nurture change and capitalize on diversity, creativity, teamwork. Imaginative, playful story, design, and art delight, motivate, and teach. 66-page paperback 6.5" x 6.5", $12.99. Now in full color!Buy from Energion Direct.

Perfectly Square
20 Questions to spur thought and Talk. Small companion foldover aids reflection, application. Only with book: $1.75.
What Shape Are You In? Short self-analysis inventory links your behavioral traits to 8 universal geometric shapes. New human types system, useful for self development and for teambuilding. Only with book $5.

SELFSHAPEtm and RELATIONSHAPEStm Workshops offer fresh angles on yourself and others. Consecutive 3-hour modules, innovative right-brain and left-brain activities. 8.5" x 11" booklet, approximately 12 pages per module. Ordered and mailed together, $15.

Special PERFECTLY SQUARE Sampler $28.
Sampler includes the fable and all related items.
A thrifty, easy way for you to decide how you can best use our PERFECTLY SQUARE products and services.

Powerful CommUNITY Dialogues Process

CommUNITY™ Dialogues, Communicating to Create Unity in Diversity (UiD).
With this seminar and dialogues process, your community, organizations, and businesses can enhance communication across various kinds of differences, improve human relations, stimulate ideas, networking, and coalitions for the common good. Strategies learned and relationships formed will be beneficial for years. This program is designed to foster positive relationships among women and men of good will who may differ in race, ethnicity, sexuality, age, abilities, religion and philosophy, politics, personality, geographic roots, education, roles, background, and other human variables that can separate people. Use CommUNITY™ Dialogues to build bridges across diversity, conflict, isolation, and indifference. Structure ongoing small Diversity Unity Clusters of employees, members, or concerned citizens and leaders from different spheres of influence. You will receive as a sample the pilot CommUNITY™ Dialogues as successfully implemented in Pensacola, Florida, but this Berthelot Consulting strategy and manual are infinitely adaptable to suit your specific goals, needs, circumstances, and time frame.
Innovative, transformative group process for up to100 people. Powerful full-day opening workshop booklet, an insightful workbook packed with memorable activities. 25 pages spiral bound. $20. $150 for packets of 10 copies for review.

Special CommUNITYtm Dialogues Sampler $95.
This CD Sampler Packet includes a variety of materials to acquaint you with Berthelot's CommUNITY™ Dialogues as successfully piloted in Pensacola FL and to suggest how you might use it yourself. This will include the primary opening seminar manual/workbook (see above), the smaller closing pilot seminar manual/workbook, some specific exercises and activities, planning aids such as agendas, tasks, recruiting and welcoming letters, press releases, and paper copies of transparencies for the facilitator's training sessions, large seminars, facilitator follow up sessions with Dr. Dolly, sample cluster session, and participant responses. Once appropriate decision makers have reviewed this sampler, they may email or telephone Dr. Dolly for brief free advice on how to proceed in the most efficacious and effective way to meet their goals.

Further related consultation, guidance, custom development, facilitation, facilitator training and process review sessions are also available at reasonable rates. We'll create, manage, and lead your CommUNITY™ Dialogues program and process or customize materials and help you do it yourself, as you prefer. Sessions may be arranged in Pensacola or at your site, almost anywhere.

Other Unique Berthelot Offerings

Create Unity Within Diversity. Acquaints leaders with effective ways to examine, cope with, and capitalize on human differences such as gender, race, ethnicity, age, abilities, status, values, and beliefs. Conflict management and cohesiveness strategies help any group move forward together. Sample workshop outline, approximately 20-page booklet. Contact us for more information

Friendly Persuasion--Communicate To Influence Deep Change. Berthelot's effective, versatile communication approach fosters positive change, from interpersonal to cultural levels. Please select your choice or both versions below.

Sample workshop booklets:

1-day $9, contains fundamentals, key questions, avoid-aspire tips

2-day $15, adds explanations of 18 success steps plus illustrative story "Pontoon Paranoia."

Diversity Dance, Allegorical Missteps Inventory. Published in Training and Development. In the dangerous dance of human relations, how is your organization most likely to stumble? Foldover $5.

TQ Scramble, Teambuilding Word Game-Process. Proves and promotes the value of teamwork.Published in Quality Progress. Small foldover $3.

Pioneer Spirit 76, an anthology of the Smoky Mountains region of E. Tennessee and N. Carolina. Culture, folklore, arts, theater, music, and nature. Articles and photos by the region's best writers and photographers. Collectible Bicentennial edition offered for the first time since l976. 100 pages, 8 1/2" 11" high quality paperback book. $14. Buy from Energion Direct.

To order, check your choices above, print out pages (or just send a note), and snail mail with appropriate U.S. check or money order to Berthelot Consulting. All prices above include U.S. postage. Outside U.S., please add 20% to cover shipping. Florida residents please add required 7.5% sales tax. Bulk discount rates will be sent on request with your first order.

Dr. Dolly Berthelot
600 Bayou Boulevard
Pensacola, Florida 32503

Please remember, these products are priced for single individual self-use and review purposes. They may be used in groups only by special arrangement with our firm. Though designed for adults, our approaches are endlessly adaptable for many ages and purposes. All our workshops and group experiences are available customized to suit your needs, offered in appealing water-view or historic sites on the Florida NW Gulf Coast or at your preferred site anywhere in the world.
Your satisfaction is guaranteed.

Thanks for your interest in our offerings
and in these important human issues!

Dr. Dolly, Communication Specialist | Gulf Coast Learning Experiences |
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600 Bayou Blvd., Pensacola, Florida 32503 | (850) 375-4287 (10-6 CST) | E-mail
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