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Berthelot Consulting BERTHELOT CONSULTING, TQM, Success Story

Delighted Berthelot Client Miles Lumber Company
Success Story In Progress
Miles Lumber Company committed to becoming a world class sawmill by 1997, then contracted Berthelot Consulting to help them achieve that goal. Between summer l995 and summer l996, Dr. Ron Berthelot developed and implemented a statistical process control system and a cross-functional team that dramatically reduced waste and boosted production and profit.

In the forestry industry, using every inch of wood has tremendous economic and environmental benefits. Ron led the green board team in reducing target sizes and variation, using less wood to boost production by 6% in first quarter l996 versus first quarter l995.

Berthelot's approach provided quality strategies, fostered cross-the-mill team spirit, and saved Miles money.
Miles is a family-owned business of approximately
100 employees. One of the owners, mill manager Johnny Miles, says this:


Thanks for your effort and commitment to our company. We all gained an understanding of SPC and other quality tools. You are professional, organized, creative, opened minded, and positive, qualities which have served Miles well.

Results include increased recovery, less sawing variation, more focused teams, less lumber waste, and higher profits.

Berthelot Consulting was a real value for Miles. Our dollar benefit for expenditure is probably 3 or 4 to 1!

I learned a great deal from working with you, and look forward to the future.

Johnny Miles, Manager/Owner
Miles Lumber Company, Bogalusa, La.

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