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Berthelot Consulting BERTHELOT CONSULTING, TQM Overview

Prevent Problems, Improve Processes, Delight Customers

American culture is shifting away from over-reliance on medical prescriptions and surgery to an ongoing preventative approach toward well being. Similarly, the growing trend toward TQM (Total Quality Management) stresses prevention rather than merely after-the-fact flaw detection. TQM assures continuous process improvement, which reduces waste and boosts profits. To continue the medical allusion, TQ isn't about merely setting broken organizational bones, but changing behavior in ways that will be likely to diminish negative incidents. That saves a lot of pain and money and results in happier, more productive corporate bodies! A favorite TQ maxim turns conventional wisdom on its head: "If it ain't broke, make it better!" The underlying assumption is that every organization can--and must--get better, continuously. The best organizations and businesses take that seriously.

Continuous improvement requires involvement of everyone in the organization, contributing her or his assets and working together toward the common good. That's why we see human issues (teamwork, diversity, creativity, influence, relationships, even feelings dare we say) and communication of all kinds, as vital--perhaps even more vital than important technical skills such as statistical process control (SPC), control charts, sampling plans, Praeto Analysis and other quality tools we offer. Berthelot Consulting is led by experts in both human and technical aspects of quality improvement).

For the first time in history, a business philosophy is emphasizing interdependence rather than dominion, teams rather than merely individuals, the goal of customer delight rather than profit-at-any-cost. TQ gurus such as Deming, Crosby, and Juran vary on some points, but concur on the TQ basics: Excellence and competitive advantage require prevention, participation, continuous process improvement, systemic, ongoing change, satisfied internal and external customers. Superb communication is essential to high performance self directed work teams, which are often cross functional teams.

Total Quality isn't easy. That's why some say they've tried it and failed. Too many merely learn the buzzwords and pay lip service. Bring in a program or two and expect miracles. Full practice of TQM is rare,Paying lip service but growing, from the most successful manufacturing industries to more newly aware smaller firms, organizations, service professions, educators, even whole communities. Rewards include better performance; higher productivity, profits, and prestige; more loyal employees and customers. And some earn impressive national quality awards such as the Baldridge, or state awards such as the Florida Sterling.

Berthelot leaders have been practicing and preaching TQM principles for 30 years. We've helped maintenance departments, customer service, trainers, human resource management, operators, supervisors, managers, executives, educators, paper mills, lumber mills, chemical companies, Fortune 500 firms and small businesses, across the Gulf Coast, around the U.S., and beyond. Our consulting and workshops are usually custom tailored, based on thorough needs assessment. We occasionally offer public seminars, sometimes through American Society For Quality (ASQ), American Society For Training and Development (ASTD), Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), or other professional organizations. Dr. Ron Berthelot, veteran academic and industrial leader in the cause, heads our quality programs and strategies, including powerful quality management, quality audits and surveys, problem solving tools, statistical process control (SPC), quality costs, and ISO9000 certification. Dr. Dolly Berthelot applies her communication savvy to crucial issues such as influencing culture change, communicating for quality, creating unity within diversity--and writing effective policies, quality manuals, organizational histories, and marketing materials to promote excellence.

To determine if Berthelot offers the best consultants and trainers to help you introduce and implement your quality efforts, please read our site thoroughly, then e-mail or call (850) 375-4287 to explore further. We'll be glad to chat.

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